Tuntapur village is 14 km away from Raichur. As per 2009 stats, total population of the village is 1377 only.The rain has been sparse since last few years and due to rain fed agri-culture, farmers were facing huge losse in crop productions. In addition to that, soil quality is also not favourable for agriculture purpose. The storage capacity of village pond declined gradually over the years due to siltation and hence the pond is also not able to fulfil the village household needs.Shivappa, a marginal farmer has to face huge loss in horticulture cultiva-tion of Mangoes. Alike Shivappa, other farmer’s agriculture production also affected badly.District Administration Raichur and BJS undertook earthwork, removed the silt and did the deepening work in the pond. Shivappa and other farmers spread the excavated fertile silt in their farming lands. Earthwork helped to increase percolation of groundwater and increases water level of the pond. With the arrival of good monsoon, and use of fertile silt villagers are now looking forward for ample water for irrigation and better yield in future.