Sujalam Suphalam Overview

“I believe that to fight drought, we have to start a people’s movement which proactively involves all the stakeholders.”
– Mr. Shantilal Muttha
Founder, BJS

“Sujalam Suphalam” model is implemented in all the participating districts across India. This is complementing the efforts of the State Government to boost water security. “Sujalam Suphalam” focuses on the enhancement of village water resources by undertaking rejuvenation of water bodies and watershed treatments for the augmentation of groundwater. The program also focuses on building community capacity for undertaking various social disciplines for improving water management.
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Sujalam Suphalam Output

Before and after work result from Vasant Bandhara, Buldhana.
Result after the pond deepening work done at Singaon Jahagir, Buldhana.
Result after work at Shivani Armal, Taluka Deulgaon Raja, Buldhana.