In Maharashtra the intensity of drought is becoming severe since 2013. There are also many other reasons which add fuel to the problem of water scarcity.
- Agricultural Products do not get the bare minimum price.
- The farmers tend to borrow more loans
- The government has to borrow more loans
- The government has to put in more & more finance to write off the loans given to the farmers
- In Maharashtra, even the drinking water is provided by railways
- BJS arranged the cattle feed by two special railways from Madhya Pradesh in the year 2013.
- Day by day, the suicides of farmers are increasing & hence it has become a great challenge for their family members to survive.
- Though at some places the farmers do not commit suicide, their mental & financial conditions are getting worst day by day.
The water scarcity is becoming more & more crucial because of the above mentioned reasons. The state government & some NGOs are working efficiently on this issue & they are getting good results of their efforts. BJS had also participated in this program & in Beed it made 5 talukas drought free. Also, BJS has done this program in Beed, Latur & Usmanabad. In the year 2017, with the help of Pani Foundation, BJS has made 400 villages from 30 districts of Maharashtra draught free. Then, BJS realized the necessity of making Maharashtra draught free. BJS has taken up this challenge.